Mystic Flare
our company was been founded by group of brave peoples who believe in freedom of speech and doing seriously steps for increase popularity and accessibililty of this idea in the world by providing high quality services for peoples who dont want or cant do reveal information about himself by some reasons

Seychelles laws allow us to working with clients as private and didn't mandate to requesting from our clients information more then needed for doing our job well.

our company main focus is providing maximum privacy for customers in all the way and by this reason we accept payments for services in Monero (XMR).
we are have a lot of experience in developing software and firmware for most operation system and embedded projects. we can offer developing on C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Go and some other languages for desktops and embedded targets.
we are developing and produce in small batches of any security oriented hardware for your private projects. our technical team have a lot of skills with developing and prototyping systems based on AVR, ARM, PowerPC and Microblaze.
intellectul property is most importact active of any modern company, breaches can make this active losted. our security team can help you to find most of system breaches and also suggest most effective ways to make correction of it.
our high skill team have experience in private outsourcing of projects and system infrastructure managment. you can trust to us your project and system infrastructure and forget about any trouble with project operational processes.
we are can provide private and secure hosting and networking services
without questing tons of "stupid" questions what are often happends from
other hosting providers located outside of offshore locations.
any modern company have request to store and/or processing some of most sentensive information what are required additional steps for organization of extra security levels. our secured hosting infrastructure can provide it to you.
major part of network security is protection from distributed attacks. we can help to mitigate it without any issues because have agreements with lot of AntiDDoS BGP uplinks, plus we also have our own Arbor TMS filter hardware.
our company can offer full set of technical services and sponsoring support in registration and maintain resources in most popular RIR zones on fully outsource basis without any additional requirements.
Mystic Flare Corporation
information about us and required by laws most of matter definitions
information provided for informative purpose and may be change any time
we are can collecting, processing and deleting any customer provided informations, for internal purpose only, what are detailed described by short list below
- Customer email name, subject and texts of messages
- Customer payments and transactions information
- Customer billing and orders information
if you want to delete all collected information on you from our services and prevent any future contact with you from our services, then "under registered contact email" send email with any text on automatic email
we are strictly NOT ALLOW any kind of this activity from list below on our services or infrastructure
- Any kind of related with CP content
- Any kind of related with terrorism
- Any kind of related with anti governments
- Any kind of related with trading of humans
- Any kind of behaviour as illegal on Seychelles
if you have information about any sort of violation(s) our Acceptable Use Policy, then please immidiately contact with us about violation via email
Mystic Flare Corporation is registered under Seychelles International Business Act and without any exceptions subject only under Seychelles by laws. Any kind requests or requirements will be executed only after Mystic Flare Corporation receive appropriate mandate court request from High Court of Seychelles to execute request and/or requirement. All other kind of requests or requirements from 3rd parties will be ignored without any reply and any kind of notifications.
interesting in our services? feel free to reach us via email.
we guarantee you our reply in 12 hour timeline or less!
(C) Mystic Flare Corporation. All rights reserved.
Seychelles, Ile Du Port, House of Francis, Room 303
Freedom of speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means.